4 Communication Tips for Sales Leaders - Inspired by John Maxwell

Leaders arguably have one primary responsibility: to mobilize individuals toward meaningful action. For Sales Leaders, this translates to the ability to instigate actions that drive success. At SalesFirst Recruiting, we’ve consistently drawn inspiration from John Maxwell’s wisdom. In this article, we’ll delve into our interpretation of four of his communication techniques, specifically tailored for Sales Leadership.

  1. Create a Bridge of Communication: Just like a bridge serves no purpose if it remains hidden, effective communication ensures that actions are easily accessible. As Sales Leaders, our job is to light up the path and make success-driven action readily available. Keep your Sales Procedures documented, polished, and neatly organized in one spot. And of course, every one of your reps should know how to reach you and schedule some time when they need a hand.

  2. Focus on the Beginning: As Sales Leaders, our job is to sketch a vivid picture of our reps’ promising future when they take the right steps. However, we must also be cautious not to become overly fixated on that future. If they lose sight of the necessary steps, it’s our role to guide them back to the rudimentary first steps—the true gateway to progress. And then, with genuine enthusiasm, encourage them to take those steps immediately.

  3. The Value of Small Steps: In the pursuit of change, individuals often overlook the significance of incremental steps. It’s a common misconception that significant change requires giant leaps. But here’s the truth: small steps matter—a lot. As Sales Leaders, our job is to show the value of those small strides. Each one adds up, paving the way for remarkable transformations. So, let’s celebrate every little victory and keep the momentum going!

  4. Action Over Emotion: Fear often accompanies new endeavors—it’s a natural response. But here’s the key: improvement hinges on action, not feelings. Encourage others to recognize that waiting until they feel ‘ready’ is a trap. Instead, urge them to act first—action breeds confidence. Successful Sales Leaders persist even amidst mistakes, setbacks, and discouragement. Remember, progress happens when we step forward, even before we believe we’re fully prepared. Sales Leaders, remind your reps that waiting for confidence to magically appear is a myth. Instead, encourage them to dive in, take those steps, and watch their confidence grow.

John Maxwell’s “16 Undeniable Laws of Communication” is a must-read for anyone looking to up their communication game, and SalesFirst of course recommends it for Sales Leaders.

Don’t let your sales goals suffer because of a talent gap. Contact SalesFirst Recruiting today and let us help you find the sales stars you need.


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