A Lesson I’ve Learned: There’s No Such Thing as an Important Person

Sales professionals are often tasked with selling to leadership. And that can be intimidating, especially to young professionals who are new to the field. After all, the world of leadership often seems enigmatic and intimidating, with its towering figures, important titles, and remarkable achievements. It's easy to perceive leaders as larger-than-life individuals who are immune to the everyday struggles and insecurities that the rest of us face. After 20+ years in business, the biggest lesson I find myself teaching young professionals is that behind every leader's success lies a journey that started from a place not too dissimilar from their own. In this exploration, we'll delve into the human side of leadership, shedding light on the fact that leaders are just ordinary individuals who have embarked on an ordinary path.

Humble Beginnings

Leaders don't emerge fully formed; they evolve from humble beginnings. Just like you, they started at the bottom of a ladder, perhaps at their own business or perhaps at someone else’s. They worked diligently to climb their way up. Just like you, they faced challenges, uncertainty, and self-doubt. Recognizing this shared starting point is the key to engaging leaders as an equal. The only difference is that you are at different points of your journey.

Flaws and Insecurities

Leaders, despite their positions, are not without flaws and insecurities. They have their moments of self-doubt and face personal and professional challenges. Understanding that leaders are human, too, can help you relate to their experiences and appreciate that even the most accomplished individuals have their vulnerabilities. Additionally, it’s important to note that many leaders have confidantes, coaches, and even therapists who support them along the way.

The Weight of Responsibility

Leaders often bear a heavy burden of responsibility. Their roles require them to make tough decisions that impact not only their own lives but also the lives of their team members and organizations. This weight can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding.

Balancing Act

The juggling act that leaders perform is not unlike the balancing act you might be familiar with in your own life. They strive to harmonize personal and professional commitments, manage their time effectively, and maintain work-life balance. Recognizing these common challenges can humanize leaders and make their journey relatable. Just about every leader I know is making daily choices that effect their health, wealth, and family & friends. “Will I stay until 8pm tonight finishing that presentation, or will I attend my daughter’s soccer game?” We are all just people.

Ongoing Learning

Leaders are lifelong learners. They continuously seek to improve themselves, acquire new skills, and adapt to a rapidly changing world. If YOU make that same commitment, and you recognize the importance of personal growth and development in your journey, then you will have placed yourself on a similar trajectory. It doesn’t matter if you are a fresh graduate entering the workforce or a professional who entered the workforce after high school. If you make a commitment to lifelong learning, consider yourself a member of the club.

Persistence and Resilience

Leaders didn't get to where they are by cruising to the top peacefully. They've ALL experienced setbacks, failures, and rejections, but they've persevered. Understanding their resilience can inspire you to keep pushing forward in your own pursuits. It’s normal to be rejected. It’s normal to fail. It’s normal to doubt yourself. If you make the commitment to persevere because you know the path to success is long and hard, consider yourself on the same path as “Important People.”

No Important People. Just Important Jobs.

Leaders are not mythical beings with superhuman qualities; they are ordinary individuals who embarked on a journey of growth, development, and self-discovery. They started from a place not unlike your own and worked their way up. They, too, have weaknesses, insecurities, and challenges in their work and personal lives. Recognizing the humanity in leadership can be empowering, as it reminds us that the path to success is accessible to anyone willing to put in the effort. So, whether you're aspiring to be a leader or simply seeking to better understand the leaders around you, remember that they, too, are just normal people with ordinary journeys- and they have been asked to do an important job because of it.

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